Exploring the dynamics of human mind, with respect to filing a false 498a and other anti-family cases and to write about things around us generally, to reflect about where we are going after all. This is to present a skeptist of our cause, with reasons and examples. As I have realised that these specimens, who don't even bat an eye-lid before filing false 498a cases, are rare and many a regular man can't even imagine that such girls exist in the face of this very earth!.
Monday, August 07, 2006
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
dowry law abuse in india
Bharthi's interview Part-2(High court and then Supreme court quashes the case since it does not amount to a Cruelty/Harassment or Dowry case- when all the wife wants all his property!) Raj Kaushal's interview (Wife tried to extort money in collusion with authorities!-Supreme court spoils this sinister plan) Interview with Gokul, Mumbai(Police investigatio reveals that the property said to have been misappropriated is with the complainants!- but they just had to ask Gokul and he could have given the evidence lying with him, but he had to be jailed for 3 days and fight 3 years and running to fight an already void case!). Why should these cases, many of which have prima facie evidences of being false, entertained at all?- does the system feel that the courts are not loaded with avoidable work on false and frivolous cases?